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I'm a Pebble Thrower and...


...a Bubble Blower in the still pond of Life!

I am meant to throw these Pebbles and blow these Bubbles to soothe the Souls... to touch the hearts of fellow Humans I encounter as I travel my Life Path. Whether it's a grocery store clerk, a waiter, a service person, friend, colleague, or anyone that moves me to connect with them, I offer these Pebbles. I am not meant to know which "shores" these ripples touch. I am only here to "throw" them.

Feeling moved to share, I say, "I'm a Pebble Thrower in the still pond of Life and these are my Pebbles." I hold out a small Royal Blue organza bag filled with small cards. On one side is the cover of Amber's book, Embrace the Angel; on the other is an inspired explanation of Guardian Angels and a tiny pewter coin. "Take one for yourself and one for someone you love." They search my eyes, and ask themselves, "Who is this woman? Why is she doing this? Is she selling something? Is this religious? Can I trust her???"

They see a smile. I reassure them if needed. They realize I am someone they can trust and reach into the bag. "On the back of the Pebble / Coin, there is a special word for you. Peel it off and let's see what it is." Nearly every time, the word speaks to them—their Life now, their Life history, memories of those who have passed before them. I can see the Ripples radiate out. And I see this privilege as a humble honor.

There is a magical Angel Factory in Middlebury, Vermont (the Danforth Pewter Co.), who creates these Powerful Pebbles for us. Five words—Faith, Hope, Love, Peace, and Courage—touch people in different ways. When they peel off the coin and read their word, it is exactly the word they need to see... the message that speaks to them from The Other Side. I've seen people around the world moved to tears, transformed in an uplifting way, encouraged as they travel their Life Journey. They begin to tell me their stories.

We all need to feel connected to The Divine... to ourselves... to each other, especially now. How do we do this while staying healthy, safe, and respectful? I do this by handing out these tiny Pebbles and connecting on a deeper level, one that needs to be recognized, honored, and nurtured. I also harness the wind to blow these gigantic, rainbow colored bubbles to the delight of children and adults alike.

The Bubbles awaken that childlike sense of wonder and Joy that dwells in all of us at the beginning of our Life Journey. (Sadly, some bury or deny this as they age... as they choose anger and fear... choose darkness over light and deliberately hurt others.) Honoring and nurturing these magical Human qualities is one way we can feel closer to The Divine, especially when we stay open to receive and do it with equanimity. (One of my favorite words and something I am cultivating. It's a smoothness, an allowing, not resisting or clinging to that circumstance, person, phase of Life, or those dreaded expectations.)

Whether it Pebbles or Bubbles, the power and potential in these tiny offerings is palpable. People are surprised and delighted that another Human Being would give them a gift without expecting anything in return. It is a physical acknowledgement that we are connected in so many ways; that I see them and recognize their Humanity; that dropping our "armor" when it is safe to do so can open our Hearts and soothe our Souls.

One tiny, powerful Pebble can transform one mind... one heart... one person at a time. And they, in turn, can transform others. Multiplied by billions of Pebbles and People, we can change the World!

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